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Technology Future-proof Your Certification Business


Future-proof Your Certification Business

In a competitive and ever-changing world, our clients’ certifications have the agility to evolve at the same pace as the industry they serve.

Test with Confidence, Everywhere

With Kryterion, you have total control over test development and delivery.
We support you every step of the way.


In the constantly evolving technology industry, our clients have the agility to keep pace with test maintenance and rapidly take new certifications to market.


Candidates across the globe have the option to securely take exams at one of our 1,000+ test centers or via our human-first online proctoring service.


Our ability to quickly scale to meet clients' growth demands helps them achieve and exceed business goals effectively and efficiently.


Multiple test delivery options such as center, event, or online greatly benefit the certification and recertification programs our clients offer.

Everything You Need to Succeed.

Along with our advanced test development platform, we provide a wide range of solutions and services to help our clients achieve their growth ambition.

Multi-modal Test Delivery

From marathon testing events to global recertification programs, flexibility in delivery is essential. Our technology clients’ business needs are supported through the provision of:

  • Scalable human first online proctoring
  • An international network of 1,000+ high-quality testing centers
  • Client proctored solutions for event-based testing at authorized venues
Multi-Modal Test Delivery
Test Delivery

Test Delivery

Technology clients frequently place the security of test delivery as their highest priority. We support this need with some of the most secure delivery features available to the testing community.

Test Development

Technology clients value the ability to modify tests rapidly. They can avoid expensive editing and publishing fees by taking control of their development process with our easy-to-use test administration tools.

Test Development Platform
Psychometric Services

Psychometric Services

Technology clients recognize the value of following strong psychometric principles in test development. Services such as psychometric health checks help them improve the credibility of their programs.

"The partnership with the Kryterion team is great and I would definitely rate it as a 10."
- Global Technology Company

Kryterion Testing Network

A high-quality international test network is critical to organizations operating in the technology industry. Kryterion’s test center network with 1,000+ centers around the globe is highly regarded amongst technology clients.

In addition to high standards of quality and security, clients benefit from:

  • Kryterion certified proctors
  • Secure test delivery
  • Identity verification
  • Regular center audits
Kryterions 1,000+ Testing Network​
Online Proctoring: Configurable, Affordable, and Scalable​

Online Proctoring

As pioneers in online remote delivery, we have a comprehensive human-first proctoring service that can scale with our clients’ business needs.
In addition to our security features, our industry-leading service provides clients with:

  • An excellent user journey
  • Scalable solutions
  • A unique three-tier support system

Client Proctored

In client-authorized centers, conferences, or events, it’s common for in-house proctoring teams to monitor the delivery of tests. Technology clients sometimes prefer this approach as it allows them to:

  • Make use of existing devices in a training center
  • Engage their existing training or test center network
  • Include test events as an additional option to a conference or training event
Client Proctored Testing, Take Control of Candidate Monitoring
On Demand Testing

On-demand Testing

On-demand testing allows clients to introduce practice tests and low-stakes certification or recertification assessments with bite-sized testing units. With this unproctored approach to test delivery, clients can:

  • Introduce micro-credential programs
  • Deploy practice tests for a complete candidate profile
  • Provide familiarization or tests for marketing purposes

Talk to an Expert

Contact our experts today to learn more about how our technology clients use Kryterion.

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