Trish Young, Director of Psychometric Services for Kryterion, Inc., was recently profiled in Credentialing Insights, the monthly online newsletter published by the Institute for Credentialing Excellence (ICE).

Trish is a psychometrician with more than 20 years’ experience. A graduate school internship program sparked her interest in certification and licensure examinations. She eventually spent 10 years with the company, working her way up from intern to senior consultant. In 2011, Trish joined Kryterion as a psychometrician, becoming Director of Psychometric Services in 2018.

She is an active member of ICE, having served on several committees before joining the R&D committee nine years ago. Trish enjoys contributing to the credentialing community, collaborating with other like-minded professionals and building friendships along the way.

She’s currently working on ICE’s benchmarking program. Benchmarking data enables credentialing organizations to make more informed financial and operational decisions that impact, among other things, marketing, examination development, candidate fees and accreditation costs. Ultimately, the benchmarking program will give organizations greater confidence when using data in their decision making.

Read more about Trish in the Credentialing Insights article here.

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